A few of my projects:
The Charleston Basketlist
Click the image to see the project deployed on Heroku!
The Charleston Basketlist was my final project, culminating 12 weeks of intensive learning at The Iron Yard. A Front End student, Julie, and myself built the project together. I took ownership of the backend, but also delved into working with AngularJS. Contact me for admin access!
Technologies I used:
Ruby on Rails
MySQL (dev/test) / PostgreSQL(prod)
Devise & Angular Devise
ngUpload Directive / AWS S3 Bucket
Click here to check out the code on GitHub.
TIY Homework Tracker
Click the image to see the project deployed on Heroku!
The HW Tracker is a site developed during the mid-point at The Iron Yard. This is a management system built for teachers and students to manage homework assignments and submissions as well as admin to manage multiple locations. Contact me for admin access!
Technologies I used:
Ruby on Rails
MySQL (dev/test) / PostgreSQL(prod)
Devise for user authentication
CanCanCan for user authorizations
Click here to check out the code on GitHub.
Hospital Tracking System
Click the image to see the project deployed on Heroku!
The hospital tracking system is a project that we continually added to during The Iron Yard course. The project is a management system which allows clinics to manage patients and medications. This project is heavily tested with RSPEC, factory_girl & capybara. Check it out!
Technologies I used:
Ruby on Rails
MySQL (dev/test) / PostgreSQL(prod)
Devise & CanCanCan
Click here to check out the code on GitHub.
About Me
Before attending The Iron Yard, I spent six years as a project analyst for the government. In addition, I'm a single/multi-engine flight instructor (inactive for the past 2 years). I decided I wanted to change careers to something that I have a passion for and which would allow me to really make a difference. For the first 12 weeks of 2015, I attended The Iron Yard where I learned Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and a multitude of other web technologies. I truly believe coding is the best field there is and I'm super excited to be a web developer.
In my spare time, I like learning new things, playing/exploring outdoors, playing in the water and spending time with my wife and dog.
Thanks for checking out my portfolio! I am currently looking for a position where I can help make a difference but also continue to learn and grow as web developer. I would love to talk to you about any open position! Also, if you are looking for a free lance web developer, I'd love to hear from you as well! Or, if you're just interested in talking about code, I'd love to talk to you too!